Easy pizzaiola chicken

Good morning friends and happy Tuesday! How was your weekend?

Did the flu hit your family yet? Here it already hit some members of my family and the one who got sick this Sunday was Alessandro. He always gets very high fevers, so Sunday night and last night were tough, he was even allucinating, which never happened before, but it looks like he is getting better now.

Today I want to talk to you about one of my favorite recipes, it is thin chicken breast with tomatoes, olives and cheese. I am all for easy, quick recipes that are also yummy. Pizzaiola in Italian is referred to anything that is cooked with tomatoes or tomato sauce and oregano, which reminds the taste of pizza.

I try to always offer the kids a big variety of food, but sometimes it gets frustrating because one day they will devour something and the next day they will tell me that they don`t like that same thing, that`s why I choose recipes that are not too complicated or too long to prepare, otherwise I will feel like I wasted my time cooking something that no one will eat! One of my favorite place to find recipes as I already told you is a blog: www.chiarapassion.com, she always has the yummiest dessert and she suggests quick and easy recipes for main dishes, exactly how I like them.  I already made this chicken a bunch of time and it looks like the kids are still enjoying it, a part from Aurora who decided that she doesn`t like melted cheese, so I will prepare a portion with no cheese for her. This chicken is also pretty light, which is another thing that I always look for in food preparations. What I always do to make things easier is to make more food at night for dinner, so I can use the leftovers for the kids` lunchboxes the next day. Here is the very easy recipe:


-chicken breasts: 4-5 medium/thin slices

-small tomatoes: 80-100 grams

-cheese: I typically use cheese slices, even though I know they are not the healthiest, but they are quicker! You could use cheddar or fontina cut in thin slices. You will need to cut as many as you need to roughly cover the chicken breasts

-grated parmigiano cheese: one tablespoon (I don`t always use it and it is good anyway. I have to admit, I hate to grate cheese!!)


-black olives (8)

-extra virgin olive oil (2 teaspoons)

-breadcrumbs (2 teaspoons)



Turn the oven on (convection bake) at 365 F. Cover a pan with parchment paper and place the chicken breast slices on it, sprinkle some salt and oregano on them and then put some oil. Cut the small tomatoes and the olives in half and cover the chicken with them, the grated parmigiano and the breadcrumbs. Lastly place the cheese slices on the chicken.

As you can see, I left one chicken slice with no cheese for Aurora!

Place in the warm oven for 15/20 minutes (the time varies according to your oven) but be careful not to overcook it, otherwise it will be too hard. Et voila`, your dinner is ready! I would make some roasted mixed vegetables or roasted potatoes as a side for a complete dinner. Buon appetito!


I hope you will like this recipe as much as I do. Have a great week and I will meet you here on Friday.



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