My boys` nighttime routine

Good morning my friends and happy Friday!

Are you happy that the weekend is almost here? I am very excited, first of all because my husband is home after being away for 10 days. After his 10 days trip he came home for one day and a half and left for another two days, so I can`t wait to spend the weekend all together! He actually planned to go skiing with Aurora this Saturday, but I am secretly hoping that he won`t be able to go (because it is going to be too warm tomorrow). The second reason why I am happy is that the temperatures have risen, it is going to be warm (not for long though, but I enjoy it as much as I can when it looks like Spring here!!).

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Easter baskets ideas for kids

Good morning friends, happy Friday and happy Spring!

I am so happy that it is Spring and that we switched to daylight saving time: now we have more time to enjoy the light and I am loving it! Now I just have to wait for the weather to get warmer, even though I know that I live in New England and that it will take time. In the mean time I will get my Spring fix just looking at pictures of the trees in bloom in Italy (although I have to admit, I feel very jealous!).

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