Friday favorites

Good morning my friends and happy Friday!

How was your week? We had a lot going on, especially last weekend, when nonni (my parents) who were visiting from Italy, left after more than a month. It was hard because they helped a lot at home and with the kids and Aurora and the boys got used to having them here, so we are still readjusting to the new schedule without them. We also had Aurora`s birthday party last Saturday and a snow storm, so we played a lot in the yard on Sunday. The snow was completely frozen on top, so it was hard to walk around and try not to fall!

I am a little late writing this post today because I still have to get used to schedule my writing time again, so I am trying to quickly put together my thoughts (it is Thursday, late evening) while Aurora is building a new Lego set and before going to the kitchen to get something ready for dinner!

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I am back!

Good morning friends and happy Friday!

It has been such a long time since I last wrote on my blog, I just checked and my last post is dated August 17th, how is that even possible? You might be wondering what happened and why I disappeared… there is no real reason, everything went on and life happened! Now looking back I realized that the more I was taking time off from writing for my blog, the harder it was to start back, I was feeling like I did not even have time to squeeze in a couple of hours to dedicate to writing.

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