August random Amazon favorites

Hi Friends, happy Friday!

I hope you had a great week weekend and a great week.

Last week we had two days off for my boys from daycare, so my husband stayed home from work and we went to the beach, it was amazing and very relaxing, but the best thing is that the boys played together in the sand and in the ocean, so they just required supervision, not involvement from our side. Actually when I go to the beach I transform in a very lazy person, I just want to look around, supervise my kids and enjoy the sun and the ocean (I just look at it, I don`t swim because it is too cold for me, don`t blame me, I am Italian and I am used to a much warmer ocean!).


This week I was mainly home with Aurora playing Barbies (our new favorite thing to do together), but I was able to ask her to play by herself for a little while every day, while I tackled some home projects: I am in this big mood for decluttering and cleaning, so I try to pick a room at a time and fix things around. I am almost done with the kitchen, I did Aurora`s bedroom and the boys closet, my bathroom and part of the garage and as I always tell you, it is so satisfying to know that now everything has a place and the room is nice and clean. We also bought a new kitchen table ( we are very excited, it should be here today!) and just the fact of buying it, put me in the mood to fix other rooms of our house that need some furniture or some new wall art, just to look a little prettier! I also convinced my husband to paint and put some wall paper in the boys bedroom, because we got them big boys beds in the Spring, but the room needs to be finished, with a new coat of white paint and some wallpaper. I want to get rid of some pictures and wall art that they have and replace it with new stuff! So, as you can see, I have many projects going on (and many more in my mind!).

Today is the day for a new post about random Amazon things that I bought recently and that I am enjoying. Let`s get started!

TINKERTOY ($ 41.20):


Leonardo is enjoying playing with these at his daycare and begged me to buy them for him for his birthday, so I did, but I think that as soon as he gets them, he will stop playing with them at school and at home!

MAGFORMERS ($ 49.98):


I just bought a new box of these for my boys for their birthday, they will get one present each and this one to share. They already have a set and they like to play with it, so I thought I would add some pieces. I remember using these toys a lot during quarantine in the Spring, while I was cooking: I would put a container full of them in front of the boys and ask them to play with them while I was busy. Of course I couldn`t do it every day, otherwise they would get bored, but they helped me to keep them entertained!



When we moved to this house, our garage had these Fast track bars from the brand Rubbermaid hung on the wall. I never thought they could be useful until recently, when I realized that I could buy hooks and baskets from the same brand to hang on that bar to help me keep the garage tidy and organized. So I found this basket and hung it yesterday and it works really well: I put some tennis rackets and balls in it and I already got some hooks for backpacks, brooms and bags that are laying on the floor. I also got an extra accessory to hold the balls (we already had one) and they are really helpful!


mangime platone

I was telling you that I have been cleaning and organizing the kitchen… so, while I was cleaning the space in the kitchen where my dog`s food is, I thought that it would be nice to keep Platone`s food in a container instead of the bag. So I checked Amazon and got this. I can`t say if it works or not, but I thought it is a genius idea, so the bag doesn`t collapse every time we get the food from it and the food should keep fresh. It took me just 12 years to realize it!!



Since I was talking about organization, I just got these for my boys. I love velvet hangers and I switched to them in my closet a couple years ago. I love them because they prevent clothes from slipping and falling on the ground. While I was organizing the boys closet I realized that all of their hangers are mismatched and of different dimensions, so I got these, I think they will be very helpful to get a nicer look of the closet and all of their hoodies won`t lay on the floor anymore.

This is it for today, I hope that this post will be useful for you and you will find something interesting!

I wish you a great weekend full of sun and relaxing activities.

I will meet you here next week,


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