Our Easter brunch party and egg hunt: a success!

Good morning friends and happy Friday!

I hope you are having a nice week and that you have something fun planned for the weekend.

Today I want to talk to you about the Easter brunch party that we hosted at our house last week. We invited all of Aurora`s school class girl friends, some other friends and some of the boys friends with brothers and sisters, we had a total of 24 kids!!

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My kids` favorite toys

Happy Friday friends!

I hope you had a nice week and are enjoying the warm weather. I had a very busy week getting things ready for Easter  and for our upcoming trip. I have to say, I am doing pretty well and everything is almost set up. Last weekend we were very busy too getting everything ready for the Easter brunch party that we hosted at our house (a blog post is coming your way very soon!!).

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The best Amazon finds

Hi friends, happy Friday!

How was your first week of April? I am very excited because April is my favorite month of the year, to me it means Spring, warm weather (in my head, even though I always have to remind myself that I don`t live in Italy and Spring here starts a little later!!) and… my birthday!! I am very excited and I am already planning how to celebrate it!

Anyway, we had a lot to do this week: I am planning an Easter party for my kids and I am also getting things ready for an upcoming trip that we will take soon. I am trying to understand what Summer clothes from last year still fit my kids but it is hard to ask two 4 year old boys to stay still while they try on clothes, it must look like some kind of punishment to them! So do you know what I started doing? I pick the t shirt that they should try on and one t shirt that I know fits them and I compare them: if it is too small, it will be put away and if it is the right size, it is piled in `Summer clothes`!

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