Easy pizzaiola chicken

Good morning friends and happy Tuesday! How was your weekend?

Did the flu hit your family yet? Here it already hit some members of my family and the one who got sick this Sunday was Alessandro. He always gets very high fevers, so Sunday night and last night were tough, he was even allucinating, which never happened before, but it looks like he is getting better now.

Today I want to talk to you about one of my favorite recipes, it is thin chicken breast with tomatoes, olives and cheese. I am all for easy, quick recipes that are also yummy. Pizzaiola in Italian is referred to anything that is cooked with tomatoes or tomato sauce and oregano, which reminds the taste of pizza.

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Friday favorites: all about the kids

Good morning my friends and happy Friday!

This week I want to talk about kids favorites. We have been invited to a couple of birthday parties lately and the first thing that goes through my mind when I get an email or one of those cute invitation cards is always the same “what present should we get?“, it is never easy because my goal is to buy something that the kid will like, but which also teaches something, or which could be useful. So I thought of writing a Friday favorites which will include all of my kids` favorite toys.

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5 tips to declutter your home and feel better

Good morning everyone and happy Tuesday! How was your weekend? I feel a little strange about the fact that there is almost no snow on the ground here in Boston, I like the fact that the temperatures are getting warmer, when it is 34 Farenheit degrees outside, it feels like Spring, so funny!  But it also feels strange for me to go outside and not be shocked by the freezing cold… I don`t even have to wear a scarf and a hat! I am not complaining anyway!

This is what is pictured in my mind after decluttering (peace and quiet as if I were on a beach!)
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Friday favorites, fitness edition

Good morning and happy Friday everyone, this week is getting to its end and February is getting closer, I am wondering how much snow we will have next month, I am a little scared! How was your week? On Monday I started a new workout program from Beachbody and I am loving it. Every time I start a new program I am very excited, because it is a fresh start with new goals, I am ready to see the results on my body, this time I am especially happy because I want to be on track both with my workouts and with my nutrition. Getting a workout in my daily routine is not too difficult, I have been doing it since a few months after the boys were born (so it`s been three years), the most difficult thing for me is to be good about eating healthy and especially not overdoing with sweets, which are one of my favorite things in the world! Anyway, I will talk more to you about my fitness routine, my fitness program and anything related to fitness another time, but please let me know if you have any questions or any particular topic that you are interested in, I will be happy to answer your questions!

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Unicorns and rainbows

Good morning my friends and happy Wednesday, I am sorry for the delay in the post, but Monday was a vacation day here in the US so I had the kids at home and did not have much time to work! I hope you had a nice weekend. Ours has been special because we spent it decorating, cooking running errands and finally celebrating our big girl`s birthday.

The party was on Sunday, she invited all the girls in her class, an extra friend that she has known since they were just 2 years old and some other Italian friends. The theme of the party was rainbow unicorns (she had many ideas for the theme, like Hello Kitty or Paris, but she ended up picking the unicorns!). I always have so much fun organizing my kids` parties: picking the theme, getting inspiration for the decorations, getting all the party supplies, the treat bags for their friends… I just love it! I usually find all the inspiration from Pinterest.

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Friday favorites: everything pink

Good morning my friends and welcome on the blog! How is your week going? I am very happy with mine because my daughter Aurora celebrated her birthday on Wednesday, she was so happy! She started counting the days one week before and every day she got more excited. On the day of her birthday I surprised her by putting out a couple banners and some presents on the table, she was so happy and excited. We had pancakes for breakfast (her request) and she opened all of the presents. I got to pick her up earlier from school because it was an early release day, then we went with my parents to have lunch in her favorite place and in the evening after dinner we had a cake, she asked me for a chocolate cake with M&M`s and pink candles! She sang herself the birthday song all day and this morning she asked me if it could be her birthday again… so sweet!

This week has also been special to me because it felt like the beginning of the new year (I am a little late, I do not know why…): I reorganized one of the bathrooms, part of Aurora `s bedroom, but most important, I finally ordered some new furniture for my home office, I am very excited that the time has finally come, right now I had just a desk and two chairs (one of them was used as a place to put the printer!). But as I already told you we moved from a small house to a much bigger one, so we did not have enough furniture for every room in the new house. But I like it, I like to take the time and decide what to put in every room and how to style it, the only downside is that I feel that the house is a constant work in progress!

Today I want to talk to you about some things that I loved this week and in the previous ones and I am also very excited because they are all pink, who else likes pink as much as I do (a part from Aurora)? Let me know!!


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My kids` lunchboxes

Hey friends, good morning and happy Tuesday!

For those of you who live in New England, how did you do with the snowstorm and the freezing cold? I hope you didn`t lose electricity. Are you happy that the kids are finally in school and hopefully for the whole week? We actually did surprisingly good on the snow storm days, we played a lot in the basement and we also went outside with nonno Ezio on the day after the storm, it was freezing, but the kids loved it: they rolled down a mountain of snow we have in our yard, we went on the sled and ran with Platone. I don`t know if I already told you, but the snow has a strange effect on our dog Platone (he is a big, very handsome, 9 year old German Shepherd mix) he gets crazy, he runs everywhere, he wants to play nonstop, he rolls in the snow and sticks his face in it to eat it, just craziness (he is adorable!). The less fun part was when we got inside and I found out that Alessandro was all wet, I don`t know how, but the snow got into his pants and boots and he was shivering like crazy. Luckily he felt much better after a warm bath.

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