The perfect cake for this Summer: lemon, white chocolate chip

Good morning friends,

Happy Friday! I hope you had a nice week.

I know that in Italy the kids are done with school, here in Massachusetts we are not done quite yet, we still have a few days next week. I had a shock at the beginning of this week, because I thought that the school would be done today, but then while I was cleaning the bathroom and half listening to Aurora`s teacher talking to the kids, I heard her telling them that they would have a few days of school left this week and then a few more on the following week. Of course at the end of the school session I asked Aurora when the last day would be and she did not know! I have to admit that I was a little mad at Aurora, but then I realized that she is a kid and she must be tired too. She has been working hard on her assignments every afternoon with me, so I can`t get too mad!! The boys have been doing their online 30 minutes classes with their teacher and have been excited to talk about dinosaurs, they will be done with those too next week and hopefully their daycare will open soon, because they just told me that they can`t wait to go back to school and meet again their teachers and friends.

Photo by Skitterphoto on
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The most amazing frosting I have ever tried: banana cake with browned butter frosting

Good morning friends, happy Friday!
I am writing this message after my morning workout and a quick breakfast, I am still in my sweaty workout clothes and I have to be very fast because my daughter will need my laptop in less than 30 minutes for her video chat with her teacher! This is life during COVID! I am trying to manage the kids` play time and the homework for Aurora but I am noticing that they are getting tired, they fight a lot, I feel like they struggle to play together (especially the boys) and Aurora is getting tired of doing her homework. Next week I will try to change a little our routines and hopefully their behavior will improve.

Photo by Pixabay on
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Friday favorites around the house

Good morning friends,

Happy Valentine`s day!

I hope that you had a nice week and that you will be able to celebrate with your loved ones these days.

We did a little celebration at home this morning: I prepared some baskets for the kids containing some presents: books, headphones for our upcoming trip and candies. They were really excited, especially for the candies! I also packed a heart shaped sandwich for Aurora with a little note and for the boys I put a chocolate in their lunch boxes. Tonight we will have some heart shaped chocolate chip cookies and a heart shaped vegan chocolate cake(I shared the recipe a while ago on the blog!)


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My new favorite: Nutella pound cake

Good morning friends and happy Friday!

It looks like my Friday posts are a little delayed lately, but at least I am posting them, right? I used to write them on Thursday in order to have everything ready to go on Friday, but in the last few weeks I have been busy or just forgot to write on Thursday.

I hope you had a nice, long weekend last week, we did and had many things planned: we went to the airport to pick up my husband from a trip to Europe, we went grocery shopping, we had a brunch and carved pumpkins at our house and on Monday we went to the MFA in Boston. I have to say, long weekends are a lot of fun, but also a lot of work: because of the disrupted schedule, my kids are all over the place, they watch tv and then they get cranky when we turn it off, they get over excited and then over tired, does this happen to your kids too?

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My kids favorite chocolate cake: a quick and easy recipe

Good morning friends and happy Friday!

I know that I have been absent for a while and I am sorry for those of you who were checking the blog to see if there was a new post on Friday, but my kids were home and despite my perfect plans to open the computer and get a blog post ready, there were always some sudden change of plans which did not allow me to write!

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Strawberry picking and a crumble recipe

Hi friends,

Happy Friday! I am back! I felt so bad not posting at my usual day, but I really had very busy days with my kids at home from school and a teenager who came to visit us for a couple of weeks from Italy. I wanted to do things with all the kids and enjoy the beginning of Summer and we did! We went to Boston a couple times, we went to the beach, we hosted parties and bbqs at our house, we went fruit picking, to a spray park not far from our house, to the playground and much more! We are really enjoying this weather and I want to be outside with the kids as much as I can. I love the longer days, the sun, the hot air, the fact that we are able to play outside and that we can stay outside later in the evening without freezing, I love having barbecues with friends and most of all, my favorite place to go is the beach!

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An easy, tasty recipe: tuna filled zucchini

Hi Friends,

Good morning and happy Friday! I hope you are having a great week and had a nice weekend.

I did, last weekend and this whole week I was by myself with the kids. I am always intimidated by weekends by myself with the kids, mainly because I am afraid that they would get bored and watch too much tv. As I told you before, I tend to be a perfectionist and my dream would be to always have nice activities planned for the kids, awsome meals planned, I would love to see the kids washed and well dressed, have the house look nice without too much laundry around, messy beds and dirty dishes in the kitchen, but I know that it is just a dream, especially when the husband is not home and especially when you want to really spend quality time with your kids and enjoy the day with them. I always make the mistake of thinking of what is going to happen next: `I can`t play because I have to clean or cook, or do the laundry`. But these last weeks and especially this weekend I tried to be a little more flexible and focus on the present. I still have a long way to go, but I am working on it! Last weekend we had two nice days and spent a lot of time outside playing sports, riding bikes and scooters and at the park. The kids were so tired at night that they fell asleep in seconds after our night routine!!

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