A very special recipe

Happy Friday my friends!

How are you and how was your week? Wow, mine was intense: very busy but most of all, very emotional because yesterday was Aurora`s last day of Kindergarten. I took her picture in the morning and then compared it to the one I took on her first day at the end of August and I couldn`t believe how much she changed in just ten months, she looked like a little girl in the first picture and like a big, big girl in the second. That made me cry first and then realize that kids grow so fast and that I always concentrate on planning their days, weeks, months in detail and I often lose perspective and don`t enjoy the little moments. I have always struggled with it, because having everything planned makes me feel that everything is under control, but I decided now to try and focus on living more in the moment and enjoying every second with my precious little kids! I know it is very hard, but i will try!

Ok, now I will stop ranting about this because otherwise I will start crying again…

Today I wanted to give you the recipe of the really good brownies that I made last week for the kids Summer party.

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A very fun Summer party

Good morning friends, happy Wednesday!

First of all, I am really sorry for missing last Friday`s post, but these weeks have been particularly busy with the end of school and all of the celebrations related.. I can not believe that Aurora is done with Kindergarten and will be in First grade next year!

I hope you had a great weekend, we had a very fun one, on Saturday we threw a Summer party at our house with the kids` friends (I will talk about it in a second…) and on Sunday we celebrated Father`s day: after we gave my husband his presents, we went to his favorite bakery to get these amazing cinnamon rolls and then we ate them in a park close to our house. Then we got home and played outside.

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Father`s day guide: my top picks

Good morning my friends and happy Wednesday,

I hope your week is being sunny and not too busy, but I know that with the end of school and the thousands of errands to run it is nearly impossible!

Last weekend we hosted a big party for my husband`s company and it looked like it was a success. We hired a food truck (The bacon truck) which served sandwiches to the guests, we had snacks, pizzas, salads and desserts, we had some fun games and a bouncy house and trampoline for the kids: a lot of fun! If you live close to Boston, I really recommend the food truck that we used, the guys were very nice and everyone loved the food. I just took a bite of the BLT and the grilled cheese sandwiches and they were really good!

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Friday favorites: home decor

Hey friends, good morning and happy Friday! How did your week go? Ours was pretty tough. It was supposed to be a busy, fun week with a concert and an event in Boston for me and my husband, but instead I didn`t feel very well and Leonardo got croup, which is lasting a looong time, so we didn`t do much. I feel like June didn`t start as I expected, but hopefully we will all get better soon!

Today I wanted to talk a little about home decor and show you my favorite of the last period. I am not an expert, but I like decorating my house and changing it every now and then, so I take a lot of inspiration from Instagram and Pinterest.


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Paleo chocolate chip cookies

Good morning friends and happy Tuesday, I hope you had a nice weekend. We did, I am very happy because we got to clean up our deck and porch and get them ready for Summer. This weekend and the next we have some parties planned, so everything will look very nice.

Today I want to share with you an amazing recipe of Paleo chocolate chip cookies. The story behind these cookies is that around four weeks ago I decided to follow a new (for me) nutrition plan. I realized that I was eating way too many sweets and as you know, I have a sweet tooth and sometimes when I start eating sugar, it is hard for me to stop. So I realized that the only way to stop for me was to stick to a plan.

I like this nutrition plan because it offers a weekly menu, so it was easy to plan the grocery shopping (which is not my favorite thing to do) and the meals, which sometimes I find hard because I run out of ideas. The idea of the plan is to eat gluten and dairy free (very hard, especially for the dairy free part because I used to eat a yogurt every morning for breakfast). I was allowed to have a cheat meal on one day of the weekend, which didn`t mean that I could binge, I had to stick to the dairy and gluten free but I could also be a little less strict. So, long story short, last Saturday I decided to make these cookies to treat myself and I have to admit, I may or may not have eaten a LOT of them (still not much self control), but at least they were pretty healthy!

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Friday favorites and thinking about Summer

Good morning my friends, happy Friday!

How did your week go, was it tough? I felt like Tuesday was harder than a regular Monday, but I think it was because of the long weekend and I was particularly tired! The kids were tired too and Leonardo kept asking me every morning if he had to go to school or if he could stay at home and play (as if he wasn`t playing at school!!). Now we almost reached the weekend and we are all happier, we will spend it fixing our porch, deck and playground. We have some parties planned at our house in the next few weeks and we want everything to look nice and ready for Summer.

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