8 Easy ways to reduce the use of plastic in your kitchen

Good morning friends and happy Friday!

I hope you had a great week and have a nice weekend planned. We celebrated my husband`s birthday this past Tuesday and we will keep celebrating this weekend. Aurora went to a soccer camp last Tuesday and today and was home with the grandparents for the rest of the week. She enjoyed playing with them, running errands, doing crafts, going to the pond to swim and having all the attention!

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10 fun Summer activities for you and your kids

Good morning friends and happy Friday!

I hope you had a nice week and that you have something fun planned for the weekend. This past week I had a lot of help with the kids because my in laws came to visit us from Italy. The kids are very happy to be able to play and to have all of their attention and they are practicing their Italian. Aurora had a great week at horse riding camp, she really enjoyed it and today we will be able to see what she learned because the parents are invited to the farm to see the kids riding their horses. The boys were in school and did some fun activities, like making bubbles and playing with water.

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Strawberry picking and a crumble recipe

Hi friends,

Happy Friday! I am back! I felt so bad not posting at my usual day, but I really had very busy days with my kids at home from school and a teenager who came to visit us for a couple of weeks from Italy. I wanted to do things with all the kids and enjoy the beginning of Summer and we did! We went to Boston a couple times, we went to the beach, we hosted parties and bbqs at our house, we went fruit picking, to a spray park not far from our house, to the playground and much more! We are really enjoying this weather and I want to be outside with the kids as much as I can. I love the longer days, the sun, the hot air, the fact that we are able to play outside and that we can stay outside later in the evening without freezing, I love having barbecues with friends and most of all, my favorite place to go is the beach!

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